
Happy Holidays, See You in 2007

The next meeting of the South Sound Algonquins will be on January 8th at Cafe Pegasso in DuPont. Hope to see you all there.


Update: The Last Two Meetings

Hey all. Wanted to bring you up to date on the last two meetings. Yes, three months now and we're still meeting. Although much less of us. I'm thinking we may want to put the word out for a few more members.

It has been posited that we take a break over the holidays, I seconded. Although, if anyone would like to meet on Monday, the 18th, I'd be happy to. Otherwise, the next meeting of the South Sound Algonquins will be on January 8th at 6:30 pm @ Cafe Pegasso.

The writing is going well. We could all probably benefit from a boost of enthusiasm. The holidays really seem to sap the energy.