
March 19th Meeting

Four of us met in the alcove. Seems the fireplace wants privacy. The benefit is that the music was not so loud. An older gentleman approached us about joining. He writes poetry in his head. Sherylle asked him to write it down. We talked about sensory experience on the page, eradicating lovely adverbs, and momentum. We missed Tom and Megan, this week.


Manek's Great News!

I just picked up an e-mail from Manek, who reports that his first fiction sale is up at Abyss & Apex. The story has garnered positive reviews from Tangent Online, so check it out. He's also a contributor to Bookmarks Magazine, with four reviews in this issue.

The Jessica Morrell workshop has a date, June 2nd from 10-4 pm, location: TBD. But probably at Manek's house. If "enough" people attend, Jessica will offer a scholarship.

So cool news all around!

Meeting Update: March 12

Big group tonight, the first with all six of us. For me, the mix of genres is exciting, and will undoubtedly broaden the focus of both future work and taste in literature. So far we have the following covered:

• Horror-Comedy (Urban Fantasy)
• Mystery
• Historical Romance
• Literary Fiction
• Sci-Fi

plus, I bet Sherylle could put out a helluva Western, if she put her mind to it.

As usual, we reviewed current work and critiqued, but also planned to attend the PNWA meeting with Alice Volpe, agent at Northwest Literary.


Workshop Opportunity

Manek is in talks with amazing developmental editor and author, Jessica
Morrell to provide a Washington area workshop. IF we can pull together
enough participants. Let's spread the word.

Here's the info:

Plot is a Verb
Cost: $75
Writing a compelling novel requires creating a world that's so
authentic that the page will disappear and lives amid a difficult
situation will rise into existence in its place. But although
specificity of details, authentic, fascinating characters, and a
gripping situation are required for this, first comes knowing the
underpinnings of fiction—structure, scene structure, opposition,
 desire, character arc, plot points,  set pieces,  outer and inner
conflict, and a setting that adds to tension.   With that in mind, this
workshop is a primer on plot and storyline, but it also illustrates the
more sophisticated and nuanced aspects of fiction writing.
Comprehensive materials and exercises will illustrate the discussion
and topics include:  How to build a world of unease where each aspect
of the story lends credibility to the characters' struggles on the
page. How to build a story that is not a pale imitation of life, but
rather  a rich reenactment that is larger than life. How plot points
push the story forward. How to avoid middles that languish or plod.
What balance and unity mean in fiction.

Jessica Morrell began teaching writers in 1991, creating workshops that
are lively, focused and filled with sensible insights.  Workshop and
writing conference participants have described her as: "a torrent of
information," "lots of practical information with excellent concrete
examples" and, "absolutely everything she says is packed with value."
 She is the author of Between the Lines: the subtler aspects of writing
fiction published by Writer's Digest Books and Writing out the Storm
published by Collectors Press. Also being published in 2007 is The
Writer's I Ching by Running Press and Voices from the Street by Gray
Sunshine and in  February 2008 Bullies, Bastards and Bitches, the Bad
Guys in Fiction by Writer's Digest Books. Morrell works as writing
coach and freelance editor and hosts a web site www.writing-life.com .
She has been writing a monthly column about topics related to writing
since 1998 which currently appears in The Willamette Writer, writes a
monthly newsletter, The Writing Life, a web log, and contributes
articles to online sites, newspapers and public radio.


March 5th Meeting

The Algonquin's are growing. This Monday's meeting welcomed Manek to our group and his great feedback. Monica introduced her new allegorical fantasy to the group. She's searching for a title. Sherylle's horror-mystery set at a seaside retreat is coming along nicely. Manek shared a sci-fi short story with a promisingly flawed lead character. Mark brought the first few pages of his novel sequel and got great feedback that really jumpstarted the chapter (he's freaking out right now about being in the third person). Tom facilitated a discussion about the finer points of fiction writing and what to look for in the editing process.

All in all, a great meeting.


I hope the beaming dries the air out a bit. Hey bring your book to the Monday madness's session. I tried to print the ad of the LOVING THE UNDEAD but it would print for me.
I have read some actors never see the films they work in, perhaps its an artistic type disease. But keep your BABY close.



My copy of Loving the Undead showed up in the mail today! But, reading it brings up an interesting subject (and a little of my lunch): Should a writer read their material after it's published? I'm going to go with a big NO on that one. I found way too many things I'd change, if I were even to submit it again.

Don't get me wrong, I'm beaming. But from now on I'll love my babies from afar.
Have been surfing the net, and finding some interesting publishing outfits out there. Mostly trouble I think. But am doing the old research, why not? Its a freebe to do. It seems as though
there are lots of places just dying to get someone to publish with the, for a price of course. I plan to stay away from those. But one can garner a great deal of info on what is happening in cyber space. Don't you just love the language!!!