
Writing Group Parameters

At our first meeting (October 9), we made the following decisions.

  1. Frequency: Meetings will be held weekly on Mondays @ 6:30 p.m.
  2. Location: Cafe Pegasso, in DuPont, offers us the most flexibility, as it is owned by group member Megan.
  3. Goals: At each meeting we will set and review individual and group goals, to stress progress and accountability to our writing.
  4. Critique readings: Limited to three double spaced pages (supply copies for readers).
  5. Group Name Suggestions: Pegasus Writing Group, The Vicious Circle, South Sound Algonquins.
Members in attendance (weekly goal)
  1. Mark: 1 Chapter complete in each novel (2).
  2. Sherylle: 1 Chapter complete in novel, and completed "snapshot."
  3. Megan: Wrap up scene from novel.
  4. Katherine: Review previous chapters and write 1 new.
We discussed our reading preferences and current projects. New members should be prepared to do the same.

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