Taking a Break
The Hook Contest
I'm a judge. Yes, yes, for certain I'm judgmental, but I'm also a judge for the contest, and I vow to be H-O-N-E-S-T. No sugar coating here and I'll give some damn good suggestions. Check out the hook contest here and make it snappy.
March 19th Meeting
Manek's Great News!
The Jessica Morrell workshop has a date, June 2nd from 10-4 pm, location: TBD. But probably at Manek's house. If "enough" people attend, Jessica will offer a scholarship.
So cool news all around!
Meeting Update: March 12
• Horror-Comedy (Urban Fantasy)
• Mystery
• Historical Romance
• Literary Fiction
• Sci-Fi
plus, I bet Sherylle could put out a helluva Western, if she put her mind to it.
As usual, we reviewed current work and critiqued, but also planned to attend the PNWA meeting with Alice Volpe, agent at Northwest Literary.
Workshop Opportunity
Morrell to provide a Washington area workshop. IF we can pull together
enough participants. Let's spread the word.
Here's the info:
Plot is a Verb
Cost: $75
Writing a compelling novel requires creating a world that's so
authentic that the page will disappear and lives amid a difficult
situation will rise into existence in its place. But although
specificity of details, authentic, fascinating characters, and a
gripping situation are required for this, first comes knowing the
underpinnings of fiction—structure, scene structure, opposition,
desire, character arc, plot points, set pieces, outer and inner
conflict, and a setting that adds to tension. With that in mind, this
workshop is a primer on plot and storyline, but it also illustrates the
more sophisticated and nuanced aspects of fiction writing.
Comprehensive materials and exercises will illustrate the discussion
and topics include: How to build a world of unease where each aspect
of the story lends credibility to the characters' struggles on the
page. How to build a story that is not a pale imitation of life, but
rather a rich reenactment that is larger than life. How plot points
push the story forward. How to avoid middles that languish or plod.
What balance and unity mean in fiction.
Jessica Morrell began teaching writers in 1991, creating workshops that
are lively, focused and filled with sensible insights. Workshop and
writing conference participants have described her as: "a torrent of
information," "lots of practical information with excellent concrete
examples" and, "absolutely everything she says is packed with value."
She is the author of Between the Lines: the subtler aspects of writing
fiction published by Writer's Digest Books and Writing out the Storm
published by Collectors Press. Also being published in 2007 is The
Writer's I Ching by Running Press and Voices from the Street by Gray
Sunshine and in February 2008 Bullies, Bastards and Bitches, the Bad
Guys in Fiction by Writer's Digest Books. Morrell works as writing
coach and freelance editor and hosts a web site www.writing-life.com .
She has been writing a monthly column about topics related to writing
since 1998 which currently appears in The Willamette Writer, writes a
monthly newsletter, The Writing Life, a web log, and contributes
articles to online sites, newspapers and public radio.
March 5th Meeting
All in all, a great meeting.
Don't get me wrong, I'm beaming. But from now on I'll love my babies from afar.
there are lots of places just dying to get someone to publish with the, for a price of course. I plan to stay away from those. But one can garner a great deal of info on what is happening in cyber space. Don't you just love the language!!!
Loving the Undead, Available Now!
Loving the Undead, An Anthology of Romance…Sort Of contains Mark's short story, An Acquired Taste. It's available at From the Asylum.
Last February Meeting
February 12th Meeting
Next meeting: Saturday 17 @ 9:00 am.
Next real meeting: Monday 26 @ 6:30 pm.
Great News!
8 February, 2007
Fiction: Debut
Mark Henry's THE UNDEAD SOCIALITE'S GUIDE TO NIGHTLIFE, about an ad-exec turned zombie trying to save a missing friend, "Shaun of the Dead" by way of Paris Hilton, to John Scognamiglio at Kensington, in a three-book deal, by Jim McCarthy at Dystel & Goderich Literary Management (World).
February 5th Meeting
See you there.
January 29th Meeting
Writing Library
Assignment for Meeting: 1/29/07
Meeting Notes: Slow on the Updates
Write a single sentence for each question.
1. What is your character’s Ordinary World (comfort zone)?
2. Describe the character’s Call to Adventure (the event that moves the story)?
3. Does your character struggle with a Refusal the Call?
4. Who is your character’s mentor (Supernatural Aid)? Is there someone who provides lessons?
5. Describe your hero Crossing the First Threshhold (new zone of experience)?
a. Is this experience more of a Rebirth?
b. Does your hero undergo an Initiation?
6. Describe the hero’s Road of Trials?
a. Is there a Marriage (the ultimate trial)?
7. Is there a seduction (Woman as Temptress)?
8. Describe the hero’s Atonement with the Father figure (coming to terms with tyrannical/merciful aspects so to understand the father better, and likewise the self)?
9. Describe the hero’s Apotheosis (disintegration of ego/breakthrough).
10. (The Ultimate Boon) Describe the hero’s readiness to obtain that for which he/she has set out, an item or new awareness, that once returned, will benefit the society he/she has left.
11. Describe the hero’s Return.
12. Is there a Refusal of the Return? (Does your hero prefer to stay?)
13. When the boon’s acquisition—or the return—comes against opposition, a chase or pursuit may ensue (The Magic Flight), if so, describe.
14. Does your hero need to be rescued by forces from the ordinary world, either because he/she is blocked or refused to return (Rescue from Without)?
15. Describe the Crossing of the Return Threshold. Is there an acceptance of reality?
16. (Master of Two Worlds) does the hero, instead, perceive both worlds?
17. Describe the bestowal of the boon (Freedom to Live).
It seems he culled the information from Chrisopher Vogler's The Writer's Journey, which itself borrowed from Campbell's The Power of Myth.